Steps to follow when choosing a beauty, makeup or cosmetics product

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You can't rely on labeling to tell you what's really going on in your makeup. But there are a few ways you can protect yourself against makeup products that may not be good for you.

1. The fewer ingredients, the better. After all, if you to a multiplicity of chemicals, chances are mathematically greater that you will be sensitive or even allergic to one or a combination of them. If your makeup, however, is made of two or three ingredients, you check them out more carefully and you a chemical cocktail every time you put on your makeup.

2. Learn the beauty industry's lingo. Look up the ingredients in your makeup and find out what they're for and what they do. If there are allergies against them, you may also find that out in your research. So that's where that rash is coming from!

3. Remember that you and your skin are unique. Come popular anti-acne face creams contain camphor, which feels cool on the skin and has a slightly mentholated fragrance that smells clean and nice. Most people aren't sensitive to it, but some people are. For these people, using this "calming, cooling" cream can actually cause peeling, redness and dryness. Even essential oils and "all-natural" ingredients may cause reactions. You may be sensitive to something no one else minds at all. You may be just fine with a product everyone else . If you experience a rash, breakouts or stinging from your makeup, find one with different ingredients.